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"A qualitative personal approach, maximal care for the correct workout, tailor-made exercises…great satisfaction!" Patrik
"If you want to be good, you have to learn from the best. Therefore Martin was my choice among all of those highly so-called trainers to whom the 10 € are much more important than the whole hour of exercising. The key principles of good work is to be fun, fulfilling, doing it with passion and devotion, constantly keeping on learning, giving your all to it, you don’t get satisfied with mediocrity, but always yearn for more, you push your limits, looking for possibilities, fulfilling your dreams, having new goals, visions and this everything with a sparkle in your eyes. Then the results count and that € is merely a side-product. Nowadays I know that I have found what I was looking for at Health Gym. There where they help you turn your dreams into reality." Alena
"Experience from OCR races (Spartan race, Tvrďák, Hero race), transmitted in a very cozy gym, through an individual and personal approach, with a focus on the correct technique, breathing and body posture…After a fey exercises with my own weight I have started to feel muscles I haven’t known about…that’s Martin and his Health Gym…So get up your asses, stop looking for excuses and sign up for the individual trainings, massages or to the Spartan Race Training Group Bratislava. Aroo!" Stanislav
"Great workouts, if you hesitate, sign up and it will blow away your expectations." Ivka
"If one is looking for diverse exercises and not only plain weightlifting, if you are looking for the way to start doing exercises with the proper technique and you’re tired of classical weightlifting, it is guaranteed that with Martin you won’t get bored. That you’re going to have fun and won’t destroy your health while exercising. The fact that Martin is well-read and knows exactly what he’s saying was clear to me from the very first training." Braňo
"A high-quality workout, hard work with a professional approach. Few trainers pay that much attention to working out properly." Peťa
"Martin is a patient trainer, who always pushes me to my limits. ..A motivator and great person who enjoys what he’s doing. He has extensive knowledge about the human body and knows exactly what to do and how to do it, he is capable of adapting the workout to health problems as well. Exactly how a trainer should be." Simča
"If you want to get in shape, improve your performance, push your body forward, but are afraid of yelling trainers with pulsing neck veins, Health Gym is the way to go…As a person who used to mostly run before, I feel results in that area as well, I run faster, I am more efficient. Martin always manages to find that rights approach that suits you, and you’re leaving the workout fully exhausted, but already looking forward to the next one" Danka
" Every machine have to someone create ... Me create Health Gym!" Filip
" Very professional approach, high quality training and a great motivation from him. I recommend :)" Tereza
"Martin is a very good trainer and masseur. I train with him regularly and feel results, especially in coordination. I tried the massage and it was really cool. As he has his own space, he devote to really just one person not several at once. I can really recommend." Timea
"I train with Martin since the beginning of the year, I feel great. It is the best invested money. I recommend to all!" Miro
"If you feel like doing something with yourself and challenge your personal limits while lacking sufficient motivation to go to a fitness studio by yourself and plan your own training sessions, Martin is the right solution for you. It is crucial to define one’s goals and priorities and Martin will be the right person for you, who will quickly discover your potential, deficiencies and limits. He will lead you through the processes of trainings, he will take into consideration your health condition, he will take care that you don’t make any mistakes or dawdle your training away. In short – if it functions for me I believe it will function for others as well :-) " Roman
"Super training :) a total body workout with proper instructor. Similar training from Giber Gigi Becerra the fitness coach of the Mexico football national team. :) now I go to sleep" Ash-Lee
"A high-profile trainer and masseur, his knowledge and experiences exceed the standards, which equals a better approach and experience from this training. He’s motivating constantly through his experiences at race events and prepares anyone for any competition. He’s also helping other people with their health problems. I recommend Health Gym to anyone who wants to get the most out of themselves, may it be a training or a massage." Tomáš
"Health Gym was recommended to me by a friend. I’m working in the administration and there is not a lot of movement. I started having problems with my spine. I have been going to Martin’s studio for several months already, the pain diminished, I don’t even feel that tired as I used to before. I recommend Health Gym if you also want to feel fit. " Ivana
"A great trainer, I wouldn’t trade him for another. If you’re looking for achieving a hard and foremost functional body – you’re on the right address. An individual and honest approach, where you’re not just another client on the agenda. Furthermore, he possesses as well extreme patience – he would not manage otherwise to cope with me :)" Andy
"Imagine a pencil pusher, who is sitting crooked in front of the computer and breathing heavily while walking hastily in direction of a bus stop. I used to be somewhere there approximately two years ago. I wanted to change it, but I just couldn’t force myself to. And then I tried going to Martin’s studio a few times. At the beginning I went there on an irregular basis, but afterwards, in the course of last year, I managed to push myself into an every-week regime. Martin showed me that it is not important just to grab a dumbbell directly, but also to stretch (especially for someone with life-long shortened tendons), to acquire the right technique and improve one’s flexibility and coordination. " Peťo
"Martin, trainer at Health Gym, is a specialist in the field of health and fitness. He’s always in the position of giving advices and motivating incredibly. However, the most important thing is his approach. He is really zealous and always strives to widen his array of knowledge and experiences. The equipment at Heath Gym is really great. Personally, I mostly enjoyed the big wheels and the hammer. " Rasťo
"Martin has yet time and he is taking care of you individually. Even though he is a freshman, he has more understanding of the body and mechanics than a lot of successful trainers. And he’s fully using this at work whether in the case of rehabilitation or performance. Make use of him as soon as possible, later he won’t have that much free time and won’t be available for the same money as he is nowadays." Roman
"My 11-year old son goes to Health Gym and he is totally astonished by the exercises. Martin devotes himself to 100%. I highly recommend to anyone who wants to experience high-quality exercises. Thank you, Martin." Janka
"I used to have problems with the groins and muscles on my legs, arms and back. They were shortened, incorrectly developed or neglected. Currently after half a year I’m experiencing improvement, the problems in the aforementioned areas have improved to a degree that it is not restricting me as it did before. I’m currently working on the correct posture and flexibility associated with weight loss and later we will focus on the correct work-out and distribution of the body’s mass for a healthy, fit life, a better feeling, and, last but not least, for an esthetical effect. For all this I am grateful to Martin Sári. " Martin
"Martin as a trainer is wonderful. One can agree upon everything with him, he will organize a training that suits you the most. I’m experiencing problems with my back, so I started working out at Health Gym, after a month my health condition improved, even the doctor noticed the changes on me. I was working out for approximately 1.5 year and nothing hurt me and I had lots of fun. Sadly I had to stop, but I will go back to Martin‘s studio if it will be possible. I don’t regret anything, quite the opposite. Our trainer knows exactly what he is doing and he’s doing it perfectly. Try it out yourself! I recommend!!!" Maťa
"I recommend Health Gym to anyone who is tired of classical fitness studios. A wide array of efficient exercises, a cozy atmosphere and a very responsible trainer. " Jana
"I have been going regularly to Heath Gym for about a year and I cannot say a bad word about it. My whole life I’ve been avoiding fitness studios and I would have never believed that Martin was going to become my trainer but with his Health Gym he managed to change my view on that issue, his approach is priceless ;-). He devotes himself to 100% to his clients during the whole hour, he pays attention to the correct technique and he does not oversee any attempt to dawdle an exercise away:-). Martin always supports his clients and motivates them to achieve better performances; as for me he gained me through different competitions (Rugged Race, Tvrdak) – a great experience. In any case I recommend Health Gym. " Katka